Why choose OptiTrack for biomechanics?
OptiTrack offers a blend of performance and usability that produces high-precision, biomechanically-relevant motion capture data via workflows that are unprecedented in their simplicity.
Native support for force plates, EMGs, and analog signal display and acquisition enables ready access to analysis in Visual3D, MATLAB, or other third party biomechanics packages.

Validated biomechanics markersets
Motive supports numerous biomechanics markersets, with a focus on the most complex and biomechanically-sound options like IOR Gait—which have traditionally been difficult for motion capture systems to track. Whether your analysis takes place in Visual3D, MATLAB, or another third-party tool, these markersets provide ready access to common tools.
Prefer a more detailed markerset for multi-segment studies? Motive’s standard markersets can be augmented with additional markers for capturing more verbose datasets.

Kinematic labeling
Motive’s real-time labeling engine utilizes a clear understanding of a subject’s unique skeletal structure to deliver highly accurate labels, even during occlusive interactions between limbs or other subjects in the lab. When additional labeling is needed, industry-standard naming conventions offer biomechanists a simple, familiar labeling workflow.
From gait labs to stadiums
OptiTrack cameras provide the most expansive coverage in optical tracking, enabling high-precision tracking in almost any configuration.
Wall-to-wall tracking
OptiTracks specially-designed lenses offer wide FOV and low distortion. Each lens is specifically fitted to the camera’s image sensor, for true edge-to-edge coverage that is ideal for tracking every inch of compact areas like gait labs.
Outdoor capture, out of the box
Featuring ultra-powerful strobes and custom-engineered band-pass filters, Prime Series cameras can track reflective markers outside, in full sunlight—with no need for special add-ons or hardware modifications.
Incredible range
OptiTrack cameras offer the best range in the industry, by huge margins. Able to see a 16 mm passive marker from over 100’ away, the long-range specialist Prime 41 is perfect for large scale sports performance applications.
Discrete IR illumination
In addition to offering invisible illumination that is far gentler on subjects than visible red strobes, the Prime Series’ infrared LEDs offer faster discharge for quick exposures—perfect for capturing very fast motions.
Setup is easy
An OptiTrack pipeline is uniquely straightforward, offering several unique features that combine to reduce system setup time by up to 75%. Aim Assist, auto-masking, one-click subject calibration, plug and play force plates, and simple NIDAQ configuration make even large systems easy to setup with just one person.
One-click subject calibration
Calibrate new skeletons in an instant, with a single button click, for subject setup that is unprecedented in its speed and simplicity.
Native support for AMTI force plates
When used with Prime Series cameras and an eSync 2, Motive’s plug and play force plate support includes all digital AMTI models, as well as analog models used alongside a Gen 5 or Optima amplifier. Native support includes simple, one-click calibration into the tracking volume as well as real-time streaming, capture, and export of force vectors.
DAQ support for EMGs, force plates & accelerometers
Motive’s native support for National Instruments USB DAQ devices enables motion capture data and analog data to be synchronized within +/-5µs per camera exposure, with support for input frequencies up to 50 kHz via the eSync 2. This allows for acquisition from any general analog device, including triggers, EMGs, force places, accelerometers, and force transducers.
Extensive native support for Visual3D
Motive focuses on what OptiTrack does best—providing a simple path to capturing the highest quality 3D data in the industry. For the most advanced biomechanics analysis and reporting on the market, we recommend Visual3D—now with enhanced support from Motive.
V3D-friendly markersets
Motive’s biomechanics markersets use naming conventions that are compatible with pre-built V3D models, providing a simple pathway between labeling and analysis.
Enhanced C3D export
Combine tracking data, subject variables, device specs, force vector data, and analog device data into a single file—all following C3D formatting standards.
Real-time streaming
Stream live, labeled marker reconstruction data to V3D via plugin to the Visual3D Real-time Server—ideal for real-time analysis, biofeedback, and verification.
Off-the-shelf I/O technology
OptiTrack systems incorporate off-the-shelf interfaces like Cat6 Ethernet and USB, so securing a replacement is as simple as a trip to the electronics store.
In-House Manufacturing
Central to OptiTrack’s blend of high performance and low price is our in-house manufacturing facility, located at our Oregon HQ. Because we’re able to mill, etch, solder, assemble and calibrate every major component of our hardware on-site, we can pay meticulous attention to the quality and performance of your system.
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