OptiTrack Motive 3.1 Beta released

Motive 3.1 is here! Introducing trained markersets, enhanced sensor fusion, full USB camera support, and so much more.

Trained Marketsets

Track Anything – Added the ability to train a generic markerset and track most objects that you can imagine. As some examples this include horses, mats, faces, custom marker arrangements, etc.

Built for Repeatability – Markersets may be trained multiple times to allow the creation of generic tracking assets for custom marker arrangements. This can be especially helpful for applications such as in Movement Sciences where a single asset can be used to label markers for multiple subjects.

IMU Sensor Fusion

Robust Tracking – Added back IMU Sensor Fusion for the CinePuck and other rigid bodies containing IMU data. This allows for smoother overall tracking as well as features such as tracking full 6 degrees of freedom with only a single marker.

Easier Setup and Diagnosis – Setting up a sensor fused rigid body no only reqires a right click and moving the object. Other large changes were made to the workflow for using IMUs which allow for an easier setup, more understandable status information, and debugging tools.

Bringing It Back

Everything in Motive 3.1 – All the features that were only in Motive 2.x have now been brought into Motive 3.1. This means that Motive 3.1 should have all the features you need regardless of your application.

USB Cameras – Added back support for all USB based cameras including the Flex 3Flex 13Slim 3UDuo, and Trio.

Rigid Body Skeletons – Added back the ability to track Rigid Body Skeletons including the 6 Rigid Body Skeleton. This also includes the ability to generically use a rigid body to drive any joint which allows for adding or removing constraints on skeletons.

Continuous Calibration Improvements

Continuous Calibration Pane – A Continuous Calibration diagnostic section was added to the Info Pane. This allows you to enable Continuous Calibration, monitor what cameras need samples, manipulate anchor markers, and view information about Continuous Calibration partitions if you are using them. Using this pane, you may now view a list of Anchor Markers, rename them, select them, and export/import them for more detailed control.

New Bumped Camera – Added the ability to correct the position of cameras that have been severely bumped if they can see either active markers or anchor markers (before they are bumped).

New User Interfaces

IMU Debugging Pane – Added a section of the Info Pane for helping to diagnose issues and monitor the health of IMU signals.

Log Pane – Redesigned the Log Pane to use more standard Motive styling.

3D Viewer Improvements

Visualize Solved Asset Data – The 3D View now shows the solve locations for assets like skeletons. This means that after an asset has been solved, the exported data will exactly match what is shown in the 3D view. All assets now use the same visuals to show solved state.

Custom Camera Numbers – Added the ability to assign custom ID numbers to cameras. This ID number will appear in the 3D view as well as on the physical camera.

Generic Geometry Visuals – Added the ability to apply generic geometry visuals to joints such as spheres, cubes, cylinders, and more.

New Selection Outline Visual – Updated the selection visual to use a yellow border that doesn’t change size based on the zoom level. The primary selected object is shown in Cyan.

IMU Status Visual – Added a new IMU sensor fusion status visual that describes the state of the sensor fusion algorithm with words.

Hide Asset Markers – Added the ability to hide all markers associated with a particular skeleton or assets. This improves labeling workflows by being able to hide markers when you are done labeling a particular asset.

Single Joint Skeleton Modifications – Improved the 3D move, rotate, and scale tool for editing skeleton definition by holding child joints in their original locations.

Directly Modify the Rigid Body with Geometry – Added the ability to either edit the underlying rigid body or the geometry file.

Better Asset Creation Tools

Constraints – Drag and Drop – Added the ability to drag and drop to reorder marker labels for asset in the Constraints Pane. This allows labeling order to be quickly changed.

Constraints – Paste – Added the ability to paste marker lists into the Constraints Pane for quickly making custom markersets.

Constraints – New Types – Added rigid bodies and IMU as constraint types. Now most items driving the position of an asset are listed in the Constraints Pane.

Builder – Asset Dropdown – Added a dropdown asset selection menu to the Modify tab to allow you to edit assets other than the currently selected one.

Builder – Marker Sticks – Added tools to modify asset marker sticks by adding, removing, and changing their colors. Trained Markersets can also intelligently auto-generate their marker sticks to make setup easier.

Builder – Markerset Training Tools – Add tools to add or remove training data from markersets.

Builder – Joint Manipulation Tools – Added tools to modify joints for trained markersets by adding, removing, parenting, unparenting, and re-rooting joint configurations.

Builder – Visuals for 6RB Placements – Added active puck object models for 6RB skeleton to help with rigid body placement.

Builder – Align to Geometry – Added an option to align the pivot of a rigid body to the geometry offset, a second rigid body, or the location of a camera. The geometry offset enables quickly making the pivot location consistent between Motive and an external rendering programs like Unreal or Unity.

Graphing Improvements

Graph IMU Data – Added the ability to graph IMU data to monitor the health of Wi-Fi signals from active devices.

Graph Skeleton Joint Data – Added the ability to graph any type of joint data for analysis.

Graph Telemetry Data – Added the ability to graph systems metrics (or telemetry) such as system latency, data rate, and more.


Export Camera Locations – Added the ability to export all camera locations to FBX Binary.

Export Long Videos – Added the ability to export long video files by splitting up the recording into 2 GB segments.


One Button All Camera Lights Turn Off – Added a single button to turn off all physical status lights on all cameras.

Color Camera Presets – Added right click menus for color cameras in the Devices Pane for a one click setup process.

Calibration – Volume Scale Tool – Added a tool for setting the volume scale based on two markers of a known length.

Timecode in the Control Desk – Added an option to replace the regular time visuals in the bottom bar with timecode values for users that have workflows revolving around timecode.

Recalibrate from Markers Remotely – Added the ability to “Recalibrate from Markers” over NatNet allowing 6RB skeletons to be re-scaled remotely.

2D Projection Motive API Example – Added a Motive API example to demonstrate how to map a marker into camera 2D space and back.

Camera Locations Listed – Camera locations are now listed in the Properties Pane when selected.

Active Devices – Added the ability to view the connected BaseStation and Active Tags in Motive (Firmware 2.x+ only).

More about Motive

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